Monday, January 2, 2012


When I was a boy I learned to quote the Books of the Bible in order by singing them. We often sang them in children's church. Then we would have Bible sword drills to see who could find a passage the quickest. Singing the Books of the Bible and sword drills were a fun and motivating way to learn about the Bible.

How many Books are in the Old Testament?

How many Books are in the New Testament?

How many Books are in the Bible?

What are the Gospels? Poetic Books? Prophetic? Epistles? Pentateuch?

How did we get the Bible in the first place? Why is it such an important book? Is it important? How often should we read it?

There are many other questions and thoughts about this most amazing book. As I have begun this New Year, I have started a Bible reading program that will take me through the Bible four times this year. That will take some time and effort, but this Book is alive. It is powerful. It is wisdom. It speaks to us today.

While Nic and Alex were here with their mother during Christmas, I challenged the boys to learn the Books of the Bible. We went online and found UTube videos of children singing the Books. They loved it. I told them that there was $10 for each of them when they could say or sing the Books in order. They are both diligently learning them. We also read the Roman road together.

What is the Roman Road?

Read Romans 3:23, 6:23, 10:9,10.

These Scriptures tells us our need of salvation and how to be saved. Along with John 3:16, they are some of the most important Scriptures in the Bible.

Can you sing the Books of the Bible? Do you know the Books of the Bible. It is a Holy Book. It is the Holy Word of God. Read it. Memorize it. It is Life!

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