Friday, January 6, 2012


Does God speak to people today? How does He speak? How do you know if it is the Lord speaking, or your own inner thinking, or maybe even the devil talking to you? Does the devil talk to us?

Jesus said that His sheep know His voice. So according to our Lord, He speaks and if we are one of His sheep then we know His voice.

For me, there are times that I clearly know that He is speaking to me, but there are are some other times that I wonder. I have uncertainty about what I am to do or what He wants me to do.

How do we know His voice? How does He speak?

The most obvious way He speaks is through His written Word. That is His will, His thoughts, His voice. But what about specific issues that His Word doesn't address in my life? Like, who should I marry? Or where should I work, or live, or changes to I might need to make? How do we know His will in these matters? How does He speak to us about these choices?

Here are a few thoughts that have worked for me:

1. What does godly counsel say about it.
2. Is the door open for this?
3. What is the Holy Spirit saying to me?
4. Do I have a peace about it?

Prayer includes listening to God. It includes waiting with quiet meditation. It is willing to be still. It gives God a fair shot at getting through all the clutter of life.

Here is a good verse:

Psalm 46:

10 Be still, and know that I am God;.....

If we will just be still, wait, and listen, then He will speak and we will know His voice and all will be well.

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