Friday, March 13, 2009


I know God answers prayer. He has quickly answered many of mine.

Years ago when I pastored my first church we were in a building program and had some work that needed to be done fast. Before church one Sunday evening I was thinking about the need and felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask God for the money needed to complete this important phase. So I prayed and amazingly within literal minutes I had the money in hand to pay cash to do the work.

A few days later a highly respected church leader stopped by to see me and I told him what had happened. He said that the quickly answered prayer would help me during times that the answer was much slower coming.

As a very young preacher, I thought that all my prayers would be answered just that quickly as if I had a magic wand. I thought the older preachers just wasn't "with it" and I expected more.

Boy, did I ever learn that prayers are not always answered when and in the manner we desire. Some of my prayers have taken years to be answered, and some prayers I am thankful God never answered. He knew best. Some underanswered prayers, at least in the manner I wanted, are still a mystery to me.

Waiting is never easy. It is often very painful, but when we trust God he grants us what we need. He knows all, and He loves us enough to answer in the way we need.

That is a very hard lesson to learn. Instant prayers required less faith than prayers that require perseverance. I have learned that too.

1 comment:

  1. The demands are great, the rewards even greater! God bless you Pastor Milton.
    Are you able to access my blog? I do not seem to be receiving any readers and am wondering if it works. Thanks
