Friday, March 15, 2013


Running isn't all I do. I only do that 3-5 times a week, but living a full life includes that and much, much more. I am not the earliest riser in the world. I typically wake up around 6 AM or so and get up not long after awakening. Then it is to the coffee pot, my Bible, the news, a workout, breakfast, devotions with Wanda, and on to the office.

The day starts slowly but goes on an ever increasing pace. I write, prepare sermons, meet with staff, plan church activities, do funerals and weddings, preach several times a week, visit the sick, write letters and blogs and church bulletins, socialize, go to church meetings and services, go to appointments, counsel, oversee church properties including 6 rental properties, and the list goes on.

What do I love to do?

Good question.

I love to read, pray, and prepare to preach. I love to preach and encourage people. I love to share the way to heaven. I love helping people come to a knowledge of the Lord and grow in His grace.

Somewhere in all that I like to ride "Big Red", visit family, travel, and do fun stuff. I like to have people in our home. Wanda and I have a bed and breakfast going here, and we enjoy it.

Our lives are full with grandkids and children and dear loved one and friends. They all make life special and without them life would be dull and dark.

But most of all, I love to live to honor and glorify the Lord. I want to finish my life strong and one day hear His words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

That is my prayer.

We live fast paced, but it is good.

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