Monday, April 9, 2012


Mom celebrated her 85 birthday on Easter Sunday, yesterday.

She is the best Mom in the world. I know.

I wonder how many prayers she has prayed for me?

Or how many meals she has cooked for me?

Or how many pound cakes she has baked?

Or how many times she spanked me? Or corrected me? Or gave me a good talking too?

Or comforted my fears? Or read the Bible to me? Or took me to church?

Or sacrificed for me?

I know she is a self-less and always thinking of others including me.

She has always put God first, family second, and others next, and then herself.

She has set an incredible example for others to follow. I can only guess how many church services, or church meetings, or ministry events that she has attended or led?

She has always been there for us children. She still is. I feel her prayers everyday. I could not have made it this far without her love and encouragement. How am blessed beyond measure because of her and dad.

Thank you Lord for giving me such a wonderful, godly mother. I am thankful for her leading me to the Lord and training me in the knowledge of God.

I love you Mom. Happy Birthday and may God bless you with many more.

1 comment:

  1. Amen....Son!! She is a dedicated Christian, wife, companion, mother, unselfish, giving, beautiful, considerate, sacrificing, etc, etc, etc, lady!!!! As I have said many times.....she is like elmer's glue...........she sticks thru thick and thin!!! I'm privileged to be her husband.
