Saturday morning Wanda and I and our friends, Don and Sandra, did a motorcycle ride to St. Augustine to eat breakfast and see some sights.
After breakfast in Old St. Augustine, we toured several old churches. My favorite there is the Memorial Presbyterian Church built in 1889 and dedicated in 1890 by Henry Morrison Flagler. Henry Flagler was a multimillionaire who made money in oil and railroad investments. He built the church in memory of his daughter who passed away as a result of childbirth in 1889. The church was built in less than one year which was amazing.
St. Augustine is a historic and beautiful city just south of Jacksonville. I would have loved to taken Wanda to O'steens which has the best shrimp you have ever put into your mouth. We'll do that on the next ride there.
Wanda and Sandra rode in our car while Don and I rode the motorcycles. I have just enough experience now and almost enough confidence for Wanda to ride on the motorcycle with me. Next trip she will be sitting on the back enjoying all the sights, smells, and sounds. It will be fun!
Osteens's sound like a must see, or should I say must eat, place to go. Isure wish you wonderful time as you enjoy the blessings of our Lord.