Friday, April 9, 2010


Teachers are impact makers. They transform lives. They are difference makers.

I am a preacher/teacher, but I have been the recipient of the efforts of great teachers all my life. My Sunday School teachers as well regular school teachers helped make me the person I am today. Obviously, I am still growing and learning, but today I reflect on those who put huge effort and sacrifice to train and develop me.

Coach Bryan, Inez English, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. McFillin, and a slew of college and graduate professors have all spoken into my life.

There is a verse of Scripture in Daniel that God made very real to me this week. It speaks to me especially from the standpoint of religious teachers who invest in the lives of boys and girls and men and women.

The verse is Daniel 12:3. It reads: "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever."

Wise teachers who lead in righteousness are like the stars which will shine forever. This is an unusual promise of blessing to those who invest in others. One of the best ways to lead is to teach and instruct. Teachers are one of God's best ways to point people to the knowledge of God.

Thank you to all the teachers who have impacted my life. May you shine like the brightness of the heavens as stars forever and forever.

Three of my children are teachers. Julie teaches elementary school. Jennifer teaches English to hispanics in Puerto Rico. My step-son Mark, is a high school dean. They are shining stars. My step-daughter, Jennifer, is a shining star too even though she is not a teacher. I am proud and thankful for all of them.


  1. Thank you so much Milton for sharing this with us. I think everyone has someone in their life that they looked up to. You sound like you did a really wonderful job in raising your children. Jesus told us that we need to be the light and the salt of the world. May our Lord contine to shine through you. God bless, Lloyd

  2. Milton ~ Would you please contact me? I have a question about Kristy and your experience at Paula Dean's restaurant. So sorry to post this on your blog, but I know no other way to contact you. Yours, Bonnie
