Friday, March 16, 2012


Wanda and I have seven grandchildren. They are all special in their individual ways. Someone said that children are your reward for not killing your own children. I never wanted to kill my kids, but I'll admit that they did aggravate me at times. Well, maybe more than aggravate. But they have given us beautiful grandchildren.

We have two Alex's, one Nic, once Cole, one Lorenzo, a Claudia, and a Paige. They are quite a group. They're growing up and it is happening too fast.

Today Nic called just to say hi. He said on the phone message that he just wanted to talk to his Papa. That made me feel great. He made my day!

Wanda is a wonderful grandmother. She goes far out of her way to do for them and make each one of them feel special. All you have to do is look out our back yard to see the grandkid's bird houses to know what Wanda thinks about each of them.

I wonder what they will grow up to be? I wonder if they will follow the Lord? I wonder who they will marry and where they will live? I wonder if they will always have a special place in their hearts for me? For Wanda?

Time will tell on all of those questions. I will continue to call their names in prayer each day. I will invest in them as I much as I can. They are ours. I want them to do well and go to heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta admit...grandkids are pretty awesome.
    I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
