Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Rules help keep life in order, working good, and peaceful. Can you imagine playing a game with no rules? Have you ever purchased a new board game and sat down at the table to play? What is the first question on everyone’s mind? They want to know what are the rules?
What about sports? Certainly there are rules for football, baseball, basketball, soccer, and all other sports. Games and sports are not the only places where good rules are needed. All aspects of life go better when the rules are fair, clear, and followed. Trying driving your car and not paying attention to the rules of safety. Break a couple of them and you might get pulled over or worse yet have a terrible accident.
What about the rules for the home? Homes with no house rules are not happy places. Here are a few vital rules for the home.
1. Always be honest. 2. Count your blessings. 3. Bear each other’s burdens. 4. Forgive and forget. 5. Be kind and tenderhearted. 6. Comfort one another. 7. Keep your promises. 8. Be supportive of one another. 9. Be true to each other. 10. Look after each other. 11. Treat each other as your friends. 12. But most important, love one another deeply from the heart.
Here is one more great rule: Do unto your family as you would have your family do to you, or do unto your spouse as you would have your spouse do unto you. Or, do unto your sibling as you would have your sibling do unto you.
Where did I get these rules? They are from the best guide book in the world, The Holy Bible. Jesus taught the Golden Rule and the best place to practice this rule is in the home.
Here is one final rule: Clean up your own mess. That rule works too.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wanda and I went for a ride on Big Red on Friday following several county roads in Duval, St Johns, and Clay Counties. We took the roads less traveled. Wild turkeys, the St. John's River, long bridges, forests, single lane bridges over little creeks, and lots of pick-up trucks were all in our view.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
I recently took a quiz that is designed to tell how long you will live. Obviously, no one knows how long that will be except God, but the test asked pointed, specific, health questions that made statistical analysis leading to a projected age. One by one I answered the questions which ranged from present health issues, to how long my parents lived, to weight (kinda personal) to blood pressure, to smoking (never smoked or drank), to my driving record.
All of these questions led to my projected life span being 88 years. That is 28 years from now. To be honest, I had already asked the Lord to give me 85 healthy, purposeful years so this test was actually good news to me. I may have 3 more years than I asked God to give me.
Who knows how long any of us have to live? Life changes so quickly. The good news is that we don’t have to live with fear, apprehension, or uncertainty, Our time is in God’s hands, and when we give our lives to Him then He takes all things and works them for our good. That includes the amount of time we live in this life.
Here is the point. Make every day count. Live right! Don’t waste a day. Don’t live with regrets, hard feelings, unforgiveness, or ill. LIfe is too short and there is too much to enjoy. Remember, this is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad.
How long do you plan on living? What is the projection? Double click on the first sentence of this paragraph and check it out.
Live today and love. Let God’s love release new faith and energy for life. God has good things in store for you. Just trust Him and follow after His ways.
Here is the best news. The truth is that we are going to live forever! Did you get that? I said you are going to live forever. If we believe in Jesus and have accepted Him as our Saviour then there is a better world coming. This world leads to a far greater, more wonderful, amazing life in heaven. If I live 88 years then I will have just begun to live.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
My heart has been unusually burdened in recent days for our Nation. America is losing its way. Our President, has regretfully chosen to express that from his view America is no longer a Christian Nation. I cannot express how grievous that statement is to me. Also, there are many other matters of deep concern.
Please join with me in serious, heartfelt intercession for our President and for our Nation. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2 1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Presently our Nation is in a life and death struggle for freedom. While I pray for our President, I am seriously concerned at the continued push toward government takeover and intrusion into every area of our lives. There is a constant push toward alternate life styles and gay rights and abortion. The Bible is clear that this is sin and is an abomination. There is a socialist agenda that ever leads toward the bankrupting of our country.
Personally, I believe the next several weeks will determine the future of our country. If the government gains control of health care, this will lead to an unstoppable push toward socialism and ruin.
It is time to pray for America, our President, and those in leadership. Will you set aside time to fast and pray for our Nation? The future of our children and grandchildren and our Country is at stake. Pray that righteousness will prevail. Pray that God will have mercy on America. Pray that Christian/Judeao values will rise again. Pray for a revival that men and woman will repent and turn to God.
This is an urgent time. We are foolish if we do not think that this Nation can fall and pass as many others have throughout the centuries of time. Evil prevails when good men are silent. We must not be silent in our prayers. We must intercede for America.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
The price of gold changes daily. Assuming there's six grams of gold in each medal, each one would be worth about $500 at 2010 prices.
The remainder of the gold medal is made out of silver. The price of silver also fluctuates, but at an average of $14.50 per troy ounce, the remaining silver in the gold medal hovers around $60.