Monday, April 20, 2009


Our honeymoon continues, but it is Monday morning and I am about to leave for work again. Yes, preachers work more than just Sunday mornings! HA! Wanda is unpacking boxes from her house, and we are moving forward.

When you have a second marriage, there is a comparison to the beginning of that marriage that you have in your first marriage. Our premarital counselor, who lost his first wife due to death, told us that when you marry the first time you leave your father and mother and cleave to your spouse. You don't quit loving your father and mother, but you make your new spouse your first priority. That is true also in second marriages, except you leave your first spouse and cleave to your new mate.

Your love for your first spouse continues, but a new love and new life begins with the new spouse. That is where Wanda and I are now. We are making our new life together. Our love for our first spouses continues and will always be there, but God has blessed us with new love and a new life.

There are many, many other new dimensions to our new life together. In fact, too many to mention or discuss. But there is a peace, a joy, and thankfulness to God for His faithfulness to us. 

This new love came quickly and in an unexpected manner. I would have never dreamed that my daughters would propel me forward with a new life or that Kristy would prepare them to know and accept the new future. There are so many other ways God has affirmed His plan and will for Wanda and me. 

I will post a few other things about our wedding and maybe a partial video of the end of our wedding ceremony. You won't believe what my Dad and siblings did to us at the end of the ceremony. The ceremony was worshipful, sacred, holy, loving, tearful, sweet, and funny. 

Today is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice! Be glad. For His is Lord! We are beginning a new life together. God is good.


  1. Hi Milton--I haven't visited this new blog yet, congrats and glad to see you happy.

  2. Rock and Charlene

    May God richly bless you and Wanda. It sounds like everything is going real good. I am so glad you are happy. I know Wanda will be a blessing to your ministry at Southside.
