Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am reading a book entitled 101 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven. This book caught my attention while browsing in the library's new book section. Heaven is my goal and sooner or later I plan on walking on streets of gold. Until then, there are still some things I want to do.

I am saved and in the process of being sanctified and the top three things I want to do are to glorify God with my life, bless my family, and finish my life strong.

But scanning this book pushed my to see if my "to do" list before going to heaven should be expanded. As I ran down the list, many of the things the book suggests I have done, but there are some that I would like to do that the book suggests that haven't been checked off.

The first thing on their list is "to risk looking stupid." Well, I know. You think I have already covered that one. The last thing on their list is to do "what's last on your list." I guess that means that after you have checked everything on the list but one, then you do it.

Here are a few other of their suggestions in the order they listed:

5. Clean Someone Else's Toilet.
12. Record Your Life Story.
32. Become an Undercover Encourager.
33. Let Go of The Grudge.
53. Explore Your Family Tree.
60. Walk in the Redwoods.
69. Visit a Former Battlefield.
83. Weep with Those Who Weep.
88. Travel Outside of Your Comfort Zone.
90. Greet the Dawn.
95. Shun Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
96. Find Beauty in Broken Things.

Each point is followed by a brief devotional and encouragement. They all actually make sense once you've read their comments which follow. If you don't like this list, why not make you own list. You are going to heaven aren't you? Get your ticket now. The train is about to load and you may be boarding sooner than you think. So hurry up and get with the list. Time is wasting.

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