Friday, October 1, 2010


This Sunday I will begin a new illustrated sermon series entitled "Caged." Throughout the month of October I will be speaking on the issues of life that sadly often imprisons and cages people. My heart breaks when I hear the horrible lies that satan tells people and see how he leads them to a caged existence.

Here is a photo of one of the cages that represents how people are prisoned as a result of their foolish choices. There is that word "choices" again. Choices lead to life or death, freedom or bondage, blessings or curses.

Samson of the Old Testament is a prime example of a man with incredible gifts and talents and who was powerfully used by God. Yet, He wound up caged, blind, and the brunt of cruel jokes. How terribly sad.

Are you caged, bound, or limited by circumstances of your making?

Are you caged by issues beyond your control?

Are you caged and bound from fulfilling God's destiny and plan for your life?

Maybe this sermon series is something you need to see and hear.

Caged is coming this Sunday to Southside. Join us and bring a friend.

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